Test Blog AI Generator

Use the form below to test out an automated blog post generator using ChatGPT. A custom plugin is used to connect to OpenAI API and after submitting form below with a sheet in the specified format with blog topics, ChatGPT will create the blog posts and they will be automatically published to the site and shown in the list below. The plugin can be customised as required and this is merely a sample to show what is possible!

Steps to test this:

  1. Download the sample CSV sheet (ps: the blog_image and related_links columns have been disabled at the moment)
  2. Fill the sheet with two topics of your choice
  3. Upload the sheet to the form and submit it
  4. The page will show your new posts on reload.

Download sample CSV

Upload csv file *
Maximum file size: 10 MB
Please upload a csv file with the following row titles; blog_title, blog_image, related_links

Blog posts

This shows a list of the blog posts on the site. After uploading your CSV above, this list should add the new blogs. Currently limited the AI to only generate a max of 2 blog posts!